
The Theology of History in St. Bonaventure is unavailable, but you can change that!

St. Bonaventure’s love of wisdom was intimately related to his love of God—so much so that he is called the “Seraphic Doctor” for the ardor that accompanied his great mind. What does this sort of mind have to say about the history of man, a topic long dear to Christian thinkers, especially owing to the Incarnation and the expectation of the Second Coming? In this academic treatise, then-Father...

The Itinerarium mentis in Deum, which Bonaventure brought with him from these weeks of solitude, is a first sign of a new intellectual direction. From this book onward, the figure of St. Francis enters ever more into the center of his thought; indeed, it is precisely that Francis who has fittingly been called the “Christ-Image of the Middle Ages.”12 This development can be followed further in the Life of St. Francis (1260–1263),13 in the various ascetical and practical writings which come from the
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